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India Makes Strides in AI: PARAMANU-AYN, the First Homegrown Legal AI

In a significant development for the Indian artificial intelligence (AI) landscape, Gyan AI Research has introduced PARAMANU-AYN, the country’s first indigenously developed legal AI system. This innovative model leverages natural language processing (NLP) to tackle legal tasks and promises to revolutionize the legal sector.

PARAMANU-AYN stands out for being built from the ground up specifically for the Indian legal domain. Unlike existing models, it draws its knowledge from a unique dataset encompassing Supreme Court case documents, the Indian Constitution, and the Indian Penal Code. This tailored approach ensures the AI understands the nuances of Indian law, crucial for accurate legal reasoning.

The model boasts an impressive context size of 8192, allowing it to analyze vast amounts of legal text and identify complex relationships within legal documents. Furthermore, researchers went beyond pre-training on legal codes. PARAMANU-AYN received instruction-tuning on over 10,000 instructions, empowering it to handle diverse legal tasks such as:

  • Drafting contracts
  • Summarizing legal cases
  • Answering constitutional questions

The researchers evaluated PARAMANU-AYN’s capabilities by comparing its responses to those of GPT-3.5-Turbo, a powerful existing model. PARAMANU-AYN achieved scores around 7-8 out of 10 on metrics like clarity, relevance, completeness, and legal reasoning ability for legal instructions.

PARAMANU-AYN offers another significant advantage: efficiency. The model can run effectively on standard CPUs, achieving an inference speed of over 42 tokens per second on an 8-core AMD processor. This makes it accessible to a wider range of users within the legal system, unlike some power-hungry AI models requiring specialized hardware.

PARAMANU-AYN’s development signifies a major leap forward for India’s AI capabilities. This homegrown solution holds immense potential to streamline legal processes, improve access to legal services, and enhance the efficiency of the Indian legal system.


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